Episode 11: Compassion First

Welcome! This weekend I had the pleasure of attending an amazing event held by The 333 which is founded by Khari Walker. The 333 provides amazing experiences to promote positive social change. I encourage you to access the link to learn more about their mission. This particular experience was an amazing yoga session followed by guided meditation led by an amazing woman Preethaji, founder of the O&O academy. The O&O Academy hosts many classes, conferences and events aimed to promote spiritual development. Saturday’s entire event was generally hosted by Usher Raymond, and it was truly amazing! During the guided meditation we did an exercise in soul syncing where you connect with the person next to you by staring into the eyes of one another. For the first few seconds it is awkward, and the room is full of giggles. However, after a few seconds you truly begin to sync and connect with the person next to you. It was truly a moving experience. It led me to thinking about our current state of affairs with technology. Does or societal attachment to technology rob us from having and displaying compassion for our fellow man/woman? Human touch is important, and I thought of some things that we can all do to make certain that we are promoting positivity and compassion as we use or social media platforms:

  1. Schedule time for social media (don’t allow it to consume your day and rob you of productivity). Take time to live in the real world without the virtual world distractions.
  2. Be responsible with your brand.
  3. Show compassion for one another.
  4. Be positive with your message.
  5. Be authentic.
  6. Use social media to promote positive social change.
  7. Use discretion.
  8. Honor your life.
  9. Honor your platform.
  10. Be respectful.